Last night I had the opportunity to see a show inside the Spiegeltent. What is a Spiegeltent? Imagine a century old lavish art deco tent where the inside walls are adorned in mirrors. Sounds gorgeous doesnt it?
My husband and I were married inside a Spiegeltent last year during the Adelaide Fringe Festival. It has now become our tradition to hunt down a show whenever our path crosses with the tent. It's a wonderful way to celebrate and remember our unique wedding day.
Lucky for us a Spiegeltent always visits our home town every summer. We've been blessed this year with two visits so immediately bought tickets once we found out about the new show called Empire. Flown in from New York with rave reviews it was just too tempting a show to not go. The show is hard to characterise as it is a merging of comedy, cabaret, circus, vaudeville and burlesque.
For the entire show I was held in a state of wonder. The cast of Empire push the limits of their strong and limber bodies. I was well and truly hooked when during the first act the room was flooded with a cascade of bubbles.
I highly recommend if you get the chance to grab some tickets to Empire if you get the chance. It'll be haunting my day dreams for a while to come.
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