Friday, 23 August 2013

Feel Good Friday


A slow yawn of reality is hitting me. I realised today there is no more Roller Derby for a little while*. The Roller Derby Grand Final is behind me (Salty's won) and we are now officially in the off-season. It has been an abrupt segway from intense training, team strategy sessions and tingling nerves of excitement to nothing. Initially I noticed the small things. A huge decline in the volume of washing. Do I really own this much training gear? What is this thing you call Free-to-air Television? A sneaky drop of alcohol on a training night. Just plain unheard of! 

I'm slowly finding my rhythm again returning to my normal Derby-free life. Reconnecting with my music. Befriending my running shoes. Showering love and attention on my friends outside of Roller Derby. Going out seeing shows and art exhibitions on school nights just because I can. Building fun dreams for the future.

Change is always a little unsettling being caught somewhere between the excitement of the future and melancholy of losing the past. So this is just a reminder to myself to be present in the now as truly this is all we ever have.

*Technically the League season is over however there are still some Bouting opportunities on the distant horizon. Just not soon enough!

The photograph taken by Molly Strohl. You can find more of her work on Flickr

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